CASL Annual Reports
documents List
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Documents Reference List
- CASL-U-2010-0006-000, Introduction to LIME: A Lightweight Integrating Multi-physics Environment for Coupling Codes, 10/29/2010
- CASL-U-2010-0023-000, Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification Workflow in CASL, 12/30/2010
- CASL-U-2011-0020-000, CASL Validation Data: An Initial Review, 01/31/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0220-000, Establish a Database to Track Collocation Activities and Attendees, 03/15/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0060-000, Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification Workflow in CASL, 03/28/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0017-000-a, A Theory Manual for Multi-physics Code Coupling in LIME, 03/31/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0017-000-b, Design of a Neutronics Package for Multi-Physics Reactor Calculations, 03/31/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0049-000, Enable Statistical Sensitivity and UQ Demonstrations for VERA, 03/31/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0057-000, Develop and document verification guidelines for sensitivity analysis and UQ results, 03/31/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0059-000, Demonstration of Validation Methodology Applied to VIPRE-W Boiling Index Calculations, 04/25/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0001-000, NEAMS VU and CASL VUQ: Strategic Goals, Priorities, and Leveraging Opportunities, 04/30/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0036-001, Intellectual Property Management Plan, 05/04/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0019-000, Open Source the Percept Software and Demonstrate Verification of a Grid-to-Rod Fretting Problem, 06/30/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0021-000, CASL Validation Databases: Scoping Analysis of Requirements and Path Forward , 06/30/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0055-000, Best Estimate Plus Reduced Uncertainties (BERU) Predictions, 06/30/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0075-000, DeCART/STAR-CCM+ Coupled Simulation of a Quarter-Core C/E Plant, 06/30/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0192-000, Solution Verification Applied to Drekar and Fuego Calculations using of Grid-to‐Rod‐Fretting (GTRF) , 07/31/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0175-000, A 2D, High Resolution, Coupled Demonstration and Assessment of the Crud Challenge Problem, 08/26/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0169-000, Domain Model Specification for VERA: Version 1.0, 09/11/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0017-002, An Introduction to LIME 1.0 and its Use in Coupling Codes for Multiphysics Simulations, 09/30/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0167-000, LIME 2.0 Architecture and Design, 09/30/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0183-000, Deployment and Testing of Hydra-TH CFD Code, 09/30/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0185-000, ITM Benchmark #1: PHASTA Results, 09/30/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0248-000, Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance: Current Status, Challenges, and Future High Fidelity Modeling, 09/30/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0196-000, Verification of the Coupled Fluid/Solid Transfer in a CASL Grid-to-Rod-Fretting Simulation, 10/31/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0052-000, Literature Survey of Existing Thermodynamic Models for the NiFeZnCrCoBO System, Phase Diagram Calculations, example Pitzer Calculations, and Initial Density Functional Theory Calculations, 11/18/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0242-001, Initial Assessment of Hydra-TH on Grid-to-Rod Fretting Problems, 12/22/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0237-000, High-Order Quantitative Model Validation Metrics Integrating Experimental And Computational Data For Large-Scale Time-Independent Nonlinear Systems, 12/28/2011
- CASL-U-2011-0171-000, Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis for CIPS with VIPRE-W and BOA, 12/31/2011
- CASL-U-2012-0045-000, Proof-of-Concept of DeCART/STAR-CCM+/MAMBA Coupled Simulation for the Prediction of Crud Deposition on a Fuel Pin with Grid Spacers, 01/20/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0011-000, Power Uprate Limitation Assessment, 01/31/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0012-000, ITM Simulations of Subcooled Flow Nucleate Boiling Experiment at TAMU, 01/31/2012
- CASL-U-2011-0184-001, Solution Verification Applied to TransAT Large Eddy Simulations for Smooth Wall Channel Flow With Periodic Boundary Conditions, 02/28/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0026-000, Evaluation of Industry Council Pilot Project Alternatives, 02/29/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0041-000, Full Core Reactor Analysis: Running Denovo on Jaguar, 03/12/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0037-000, Thermal Hydraulic Validation Report, 03/29/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0039-000, Review of Experiments for CASL Neutronics Validation, 03/29/2012
- CASL-U-2011-0074-002, CASL VERA Requirements, 03/30/2012
- CASL-U-2011-0236-002, Industry Council Workflow Project, 03/30/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0044-000, CIPS Validation Data Plan, 03/31/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0052-000, CASL Enterprise Project Management (EPM) Tool, a Unified PM Platform, 03/31/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0237-000, Enhancement of GTRF Modeling Fidelity, 03/31/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0245-000, Demonstrate Initial Deterministic Transport Capability through VERA-CS, 03/31/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0054-000, High Fidelity Fuel Performance Model Development: Focus on Benchmark & Validation activities for PCI and CRUD, 04/02/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0085-000, All-Speed Methods and Long-Duration Time Integration for Incorporation into the 7-Equation Two-Phase Model, 05/31/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0064-000, Initial MPACT Integration, 06/01/2012
- CASL-U-2013-0130-000, Theoretical Investigation of Microstructure Evolution and Deformation of Zirconium under Cascade Damage Conditions , 06/22/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0080-000, Propagation of Model Form Uncertainty for Thermal Hydraulics using RANS Turbulence Models in Drekar, 06/30/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0132-000, Advanced Solution Verification of CFD Solutions for LES of Relevance to GTRF Estimates. , 08/31/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0155-000, Notes on Newton-Krylov based Incompressible Flow Projection Solver, 09/20/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0162-000, Validation Data Plan Implementation: Subcooled Flow Boiling Case Study, 09/28/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0163-000, Sensitivity, Verification, and Validation Studies of STAR-CD, STAR-CCM+, and Nphase CFD Boiling Models, 09/29/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0075-000, Integration of Hydra-TH in VERA, 09/30/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0156-000, Informing the Development of multiphase CFD models using Bubbly Turbulent Flow Interface Tracking Results , 09/30/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0159-000, Method of Characteristics Assisted Cross Section Homogenization for Denovo, 10/09/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0164-000, RANS CFD Simulations for CASL THM Using Drekar::CFD, 10/31/2012
- CASL-U-2013-0326-000, Bubbly Flow in Channel, 10/31/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0171-000, Grid Sensitivity Study of CFD versus COBRA, 11/26/2012
- CASL-U-2013-0145-000, Mixing and non-stoichiometry in Fe-Ni-Cr-Zn-O spinel compounds: Density functional theory calculations, 12/18/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0172-000, Analysis of Two-Dimensional Lattice Physics Verification Problems with MPACT, 12/21/2012
- CASL-U-2013-0003-000, Suggestions for COBRA-TF Parallelization and Optimization, 12/21/2012
- CASL-U-2012-0146-000, Proposed Test Stand Selection Criteria, 01/23/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0288-000, Hydra-TH Advanced Capabilities, 02/01/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0069-000, Preliminary Solution Verification of Denovo: Focus on Spatial—Angular Convergence, 02/28/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0079-000, Survey of Software Quality Assurance and Code Verification Practices in CASL , 03/26/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0328-000, Quantification of Data Needs, Data Collection and Characterization to Support Validation and Calibration of Subcooled Flow Boiling Model , 03/28/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0281-000, VERA Core Physics Benchmark Progression Problem Specifications , 03/29/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0346-000, Demonstration of Hyrax Capabilities, 03/29/2013
- CASL-U-2014-0006-000, Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA): Snapshot 3.0, 03/29/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0046-000, Assessment of Improved Axial Scheme vs Baseline 2D/1D, 03/31/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0324-000, Hydra-TH code Ability to Compute Single-phase Turbulent Flows in a Nuclear Reactor, 03/31/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0087-000, Tabular Water Properties Interface for Hydra-TH, 04/01/2013
- CASL-U-2014-0083-000, Evaluating the Denovo SPN Discretization, 04/05/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0091-000, Generalization of the ORNL Radiation Growth Model for Zr-Based Materials to Account for Internal and External Stresses, 04/12/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0146-000, VERA Release Plan, 04/26/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0048-000, Practices with Dakota to COBRA-TF for AMA-Relevant Problems, 04/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0220-000, Reducing Uncertainties via Predictive Modeling: FLICA4 Calibration using BFBT Benchmarks, 05/05/2013
- CASL-U-2015-0148-000, 2D/1D Approximations to the 3D Neutron Transport Equation. I: Theory, 05/05/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0062-001, ITM/DNS database of drag, lift and wall effects, including the effects of void fractions, 06/26/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0121-000, Implementation of More Complete Thermochemical Database in MAMBA, 06/28/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0140-000, Closure Relation for Microlayer Evaporation in Nucleate Boiling, and its Application to ITM Test Case 3b, 06/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0325-000, Nucleation Site Density, Bubble Departure Diameter, Bubble Departure Frequency, and Local Temperature Distribution in Subcooled Flow Boiling of Water, 06/30/2013
- CASL-U-2015-0102-000, Lean/Agile Principles and Practices for Developing Quality Scientific Software, 07/08/2013
- CASL-U-2015-0103-000, Multi-Phase Flow: Direct Numerical Simulation, 07/08/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0321-000, Development of a Plastic Deformation Model of Irradiated Zircaloy for Addressing LOCA Conditions, 07/13/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0164-000, Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA): Snapshot 3.1, 07/24/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0150-001, Coupled Single Assembly Solution with VERA (Problem 6), 07/31/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0165-000, Initial Demonstration of Peregrine in VERA-CS, 07/31/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0105-001, Operational Reactor Model Demonstration with VERA: Watts Bar Unit 1 Cycle 1 Zero Power Physics Tests, 08/23/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0181-001, Demonstration & Assessment of Advanced Modeling Capabilities for Multiphase Flow with Sub-cooled Boiling, 08/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0184-000, Uncertainty Quantification and Data Assimilation (UQ/DA) Study on a VERA Core Simulator Component for CRUD Analysis, 08/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0185-000, Advancements on Wall Boiling Modeling in CFD: Leveraging New Understanding from MIT Flow Boiling Facility, 08/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0188-000, General Purpose Steam Table Library, 08/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0204-000, A New Mechanistic Subcooled Boiling Model for PWR Assemblies, 08/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0209-000, Hydra-TH Verification, Validation and Thermal-Hydraulics Benchmark Problems, 09/16/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0283-000, Modal Dynamics Analysis Demo with Sierra, 09/25/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0192-000, A Study of the Role of Adjoint-Equipped CFD in VUQ Analysis of Channel Boiling Simulations, 09/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0193-000, Implementation and validation of the new RPI boiling models using STAR-CCM+ as CFD Platform, 09/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0194-001, Validation Data Needs Survey, 09/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0198-000, HYDRA-TH Ability to Compute Single-phase Turbulent Flows in a Nuclear Reactor, 09/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0199-000, Bubble Condensation Heat Transfer in Subcooled Flow Boiling at PWR Conditions: a Critical Evaluation of Current Correlations, 09/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0201-000, Assessment of the Performance of COBRA-TF for the Prediction of Subcooled Boiling Conditions in Rod Bundles, 09/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0203-001, Thermal Hydraulic Simulations, Error Estimation and Parameter Sensitivity Studies in Drekar::CFD, 09/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0205-000, Advanced Multiphysics Strategies for Radiation Transport/Heat Transfer Coupling, 09/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0211-000, MEMS Sensor Measurement of Surface Temperature Response during Subcooled Flow Boiling in a Rectangular Flow Channel, 09/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0213-000, Separate Effects V&V for Hydra-TH, 09/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0214-000, Experimental Investigation of Subcooled Flow Boiling, 09/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0224-000, CILC Studies with Comparative Analysis to Existing Plants, 09/30/2013
- CASL-U-2014-0009-000, RSICC Release Testing Results Summary, 09/30/2013
- CASL-U-2014-0028-000, Development of Hybrid Order Reduction Methods for Uncertainty Quantification, 09/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0215-000, Tally Server Implementation in OpenMC, 10/24/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0273-000, Application of MPACT 2D/1D to AMA Benchmark Problem 5, 11/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0280-000, Coupled Single Assembly Solution with COBRA-TF/MPACT (Problem 6), 11/30/2013
- CASL-U-2014-0040-000, Transient Evaluation of Bubbles in a Channel, 11/30/2013
- CASL-U-2013-0196-000, Demonstration of Neutronics Coupled to Thermal-Hydraulics for a Full-Core Problem using VERA, 12/30/2013
- CASL-U-2014-0143-000, Two-Phase Fluid Flow Modeling in CRUD using MAMBA-BDM, 02/17/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0012-001, Westinghouse VERA Test Stand Zero Power Physics Test Simulations for the AP1000® PWR, 03/06/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0061-000, Assessment of Modeling GTRF Gap Development, 03/20/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0036-000, Industry Test Stand Experience, 03/28/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0038-000, User Guidelines and Best Practices for CASL VUQ Analysis Using Dakota , 03/28/2014
- CASL-U-2013-0223-000, A Comparison of Adjoint and Data-Centric Verification Techniques, 03/31/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0032-000, Assessment of Multi-Scale Thermal-Hydraulic Codes and Models for DNB Challenge Problem Applications, 03/31/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0041-000, PERCEPT Capabilities in CASL Dakota, 03/31/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0042-001, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VUQ) Strategy, 03/31/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0045-000, MPACT Testing and Benchmarking Results, 03/31/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0054-001, VERA Tools and Workflows, 03/31/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0051-000, Demonstration of Neutronics Coupled to Thermal-Hydraulics for a Full-Core Problem using COBRA-TF/MPACT, 04/01/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0126-000, Pipe Diffusion at Dislocations in UO2, 04/30/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0081-000, Evaluation of Coupling Approaches, 05/01/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0043-001, VERAOUT – VERA HDF5 Output Specification, 05/02/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0069-000, Modeling an iPWR Startup Core Cycle with VERA Progress Report 1, 05/07/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0139-000, Microscale Model for Simulating Fretting Wear of Brittle Materials with Third-body Wear Debris Interaction, 05/08/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0217-000, Mechanisms of Zr Surface Corrosion Determined via Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Charge-Optimized Many-Body (COMB) Potentials, 05/14/2014
- CASL-U-2014-2020-000, CTF – A Thermal-Hydraulic Subchannel Code for LWRs Transient Analyses Users’ Manual, 06/20/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0069-001, Modeling an iPWR Startup Core Cycle with VERA, 06/26/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0112-000, Tiamat Transition from Demonstration Capability to Research and Production Tool , 06/30/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0114-000, ORIGEN Integration into MPACT, 07/04/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0149-000, An Assessment of Coupling Algorithms for Nuclear Reactor Core Physics Simulations, 07/10/2014
- CASL-U-2015-0026-000, Fuel Performance with BISON, 07/12/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0128-000, Mesh-Free Data Transfer Algorithms for Partitioned Multiphysics Problems: Conservation, Accuracy, and Parallelism, 07/31/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0140-000, Demonstration of Full Core Reactor Depletion with MPACT, 08/10/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0169-000, CTF Validation, 08/20/2014
- CASL-U-2012-0131-004, VERA Core Physics Benchmark Progression Problem Specifications, 08/29/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0170-000, Integrated Lift- and Wall-Force Closures in Computational Fluid Dynamics ( CMFD) , 08/29/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0119-000, Application of Multi-Scale Thermal-Hydraulic Models to DNB Analysis, 08/30/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0154-000, Single Phase Validation of Hydra-TH for Fuel Applications , 08/30/2014
- CASL-U-2012-0019-002, Technology Control Plan, 09/20/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0194-000, Enhanced Turbulence Model Capabilities in Hydra-TH, 09/26/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0186-000, Implementation of the Transient Capability in MPACT: Phase II , 09/30/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0187-000, Update to Industry Test Stand Experience Using VERA, 09/30/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0188-000, Development of CTF Capability for Modeling Reactor Operating Cycles with Crud Growth, 09/30/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0189-000, Operational Reactor Depletion Analysis Capability, 09/30/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0197-000, An Information Theoretic Approach to Use High-Fidelity Codes to Calibrate Low-Fidelity Codes, 09/30/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0198-000, Cobra-TF Parameter Exposure Work, 09/30/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0201-000, Demonstration of Atomistically–informed Multiscale Zr Alloy Deformation Models in Peregrine for Normal and Accident Scenarios, 09/30/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0205-000, Development of a General Purpose Subgrid Wall Boiling Model from Improved Physical Understanding for Use in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 09/30/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0208-000, Transient Evolution and Dispersion of Bubbles in a Channel and Data Mining, 09/30/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0209-000, Full-Field Measurements of Turbulent Bubby Flow using Innovative Experimental Techniques, 09/30/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0210-000, Single/Multiphase CFD Assessment, Verification, and Validation, 09/30/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0211-000, Micro-hydrodynamics in High Heat Flux Boiling and Burnout: Experimental Data and Model Development, 09/30/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0213-000, BISON Contact Improvements, 09/30/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0185-000, VERA-CS Validation Plan, 10/21/2014
- CASL-U-2014-0214-000, Native Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) in Hydra-TH, 10/22/2014
- CASL-U-2014-2144-000, Dakota, A Multilevel Parallel Object-Oriented Framework for Design Optimization, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Sensitivity Analysis: Version 6.1 User’s Manual, 11/04/2014
- CASL-U-2014-2126-000, Dakota, A Multilevel Parallel Object-Oriented Framework forDesign Optimization, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Sensitivity Analysis: Version 6.1 Reference Manual, 11/07/2014
- CASL-U-2014-2137-000, Dakota, A Multilevel Parallel Object-Oriented Framework for Design Optimization, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Sensitivity Analysis: Version 6.1 Theory Manual, 11/07/2014
- CASL-U-2014-4071-000, Dakota, A Multilevel Parallel Object-Oriented Framework forDesign Optimization, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Sensitivity Analysis: Version 6.1 Developers Manual, 11/07/2014
- CASL-U-2015-0087-000, Dakota, A Multilevel Parallel Object-Oriented Framework for Design Optimization, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Sensitivity Analysis: Version 6.1 User’s Manual, 11/07/2014
- CASL-U-2015-0088-000, Dakota, A Multilevel Parallel Object-Oriented Framework for Design Optimization, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Sensitivity Analysis: Version 6.1 Developers Manual, 11/07/2014
- CASL-U-2015-0089-000, Dakota, A Multilevel Parallel Object-Oriented Framework for Design Optimization, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Sensitivity Analysis: Version 6.1 Reference Manual, 11/07/2014
- CASL-U-2015-0090-000, Dakota, A Multilevel Parallel Object-Oriented Framework for Design Optimization, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Sensitivity Analysis: Version 6.1 Theory Manual, 11/07/2014
- CASL-U-2015-0048-000, MPACT Development, 11/11/2014
- CASL-U-2015-0049-000, The Effect of Heater Surface on Critical Heat Flux: Database, Hypothesis, and Evaluation, 11/11/2014
- CASL-U-2015-0047-000, Estimation of the Shear-Induced Lift Force on a Single Bubble in Laminar and Turbulent Shear Flows Using Interface Tracking Approach, 11/20/2014
- CASL-U-2015-0131-000, SAMPLES: ZIRCONIUM SPRING, 11/25/2014
- CASL-U-2014-2129-000, Improvement of CTF using Computational Fluid Dynamics, 12/15/2014
- CASL-U-2015-0020-000, Improvement of COBRA-TF Subchannel Thermal-Hydraulics Code (CTF) using Computational Fluid Dynamics, 12/15/2014
- CASL-U-2015-0030-000, Develop, Test and Validate New Models of Subcooled Boiling, 12/15/2014
- CASL-U-2015-0056-000, CTF – COBRA-TF Subchannel Thermal-Hydraulics Code (CTF) Pre-processor Users’ Manual, 01/19/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2124-000, CTF Pre-processor User’s Manual, 01/19/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0021-000, Contact Memory Report, 01/31/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0019-000, MPACT Code Preparations for RSICC Release, 02/11/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2108-000, Progress in implementing the 2-D/3-Dcapabilities in MPACT, 02/12/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0079-000, Exnihilo User’s Manual Release 5.3 (Dev), 02/19/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2028-000, Exnihilo Documentation Release 5.3 (Dev), 02/19/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0077-000, MPACT User’s Manual Version 2.0.0, 02/20/2015
- CASL-U-2014-0014-002, VERA Common Input User Manual, 02/23/2015
- CASL-U-2014-0231-001, VERA Problem 10: Restart and Shuffling in MPACT, 02/26/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0046-000, Updates on a Robust Momentum Closure Approach for Multiphase Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Applications, 02/27/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0040-000, Initial Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Input Specifications, 02/28/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0054-000, COBRA-TF Subchannel Thermal-Hydraulics Code (CTF) Theory Manual, 03/10/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0055-000, CTF – A Thermal-Hydraulic Subchannel Code for LWRs Trainsient Analyses Users Manual, 03/10/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0078-000, MPACT Theory Manual Version 2.0, 03/11/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0076-000, Validate VERA-CS using the industry standard BEAVRS Cycle Depletion Benchmark Problem, 03/13/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0116-000, Implementation and Preliminary Verification of the Quasi-1D Kernel for Intra-pin Resonance Physics in MPACT, 03/16/2015
- CASL-U-2015-4047-000, Implementation and Preliminary Verification of the Quasi-1D Kernel for Intra-pin Resonance Physics in MPACT, 03/16/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0068-000, Synthesis of CRUD and its Effects On Pool and Subcooled Flow Boiling, 03/31/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0080-000, Exnihilo Transport Methods Manuals, 03/31/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0084-000, PHI Development for CFD Interoperability, 03/31/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0085-000, A Multi-Year Plan for Enhancing Turbulence Modeling in Hydra-TH, 03/31/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0160-000, Progress on the Implementation and Testing of On-The-Fly Doppler Broadening for Monte Carlo Simulations, 03/31/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2101-000, Incorporate MPACT into TIAMAT and Demonstrate Pellet-Clad Interaction (PCI) Calculations, 03/31/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2103-000, Demonstrate Anderson Acceleration for Coupled Neutronics and Thermal Hydraulics in TIAMAT, 03/31/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0066-000, Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA) Session 1: Physics and Methods, 04/01/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0067-000, Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA) Workshop Session 2: Hands on Training, 04/01/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2026-000, An Overview of Abstract Interfaces in Version 1.14 of the Data-TransferKit Library (Rev. 1), 04/06/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0082-000, VERA Installation Guide, 04/17/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0083-000, VERA Configure, Build, Test, and Install Quick Reference Guide, 04/17/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2146-000, VERA Configure, Build, Test, and Install Quick Reference Guide, 04/17/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2147-000, VERA Installation Guide, 04/17/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0184-000, Demonstrate Anderson Acceleration for Coupled Neutronics and Thermal Hydraulics in Tiamat, 04/19/2015
- CASL-U-2015-4095-000, Stability of SN K-Eigenvalue Iterations Using CMFD Acceleration, 04/19/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0042-000, VERA 3.3 Release Notes, 04/20/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0143-000, Babcock & Wilcox Critical Experiment Calculations to Support MPACT Verification, 04/24/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0143-000, Babcock & Wilcox Critical Experiment Calculations to Support MPACT Verification, 04/24/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0134-000, MPACT Verification and Validation: Status and Plans, 04/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0134-000, MPACT Verification and Validation: Status and Plans, 04/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2115-000, Modeling and Validation of Forced Convection Subcooled Boiling, 04/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2116-000, Mechanistic Modeling of Two-Phase Flow Around Spacer Grids with Mixing Vanes, 04/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0189-000, Evaluation of Missing Pellet Surface Geometry on Cladding Stress Distribution and Magnitude, 05/01/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0146-001, Coupling of Subchannel T/H (CTF) and CRUD Chemistry (MAMBA1D), 05/15/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0166-000, CRUD Modeling in MPACT, 05/22/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0223-000, Stability of Monte Carlo k-Eigenvalue Simulations with CMFD Feedback, 05/28/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0224-000, Stability of SN K=Eigenvalue Iterations using CMFD Acceleration, 05/28/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2044-000, Stability of Monte Carlo k-Eigenvalue Simulations with CMFD Feedback, 05/28/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2037-000, Generalized Plane Strain Capability, 05/29/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0169-000, Development of Transient and Epithermal Upscattering Resonance Data for the MPACT Library, 05/31/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0169-000, Development of Transient and Epithermal Upscattering Resonance Data for the V4.x MPACT library, 05/31/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0219-000, Implementation Plan for Micro-scale Zr-O-H Modeling, 06/03/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0220-000, Update on Anhomonic Entropic Effects on Zr-H System Thermodynamics, 06/03/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0206-000, VERA Benchmarking Results for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Cycles 1-12, 06/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-1992-000, Uncertainty Quantification Of The Interfacial Mass Transfer Model In CTF, 06/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0041-000, Illustration of VERA Capabilities to Model a Typical iPWR SMR, 07/17/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0265-000, Initial BWR Modeling Capability for MPACT, 07/31/2015
- CASL-U-2015-4041-000, CTF Interfacial Models, 08/03/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2029-000, BISON Simulations Run with the Inclusion of Oxide and CRUD Effects Through the Inclusion of HOGNOSE and MAMBA-BDM., 08/23/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2053-000, Demonstration of VERA Interoperability with Commercial CFD Code, 08/28/2015
- CASL-U-2015-1982-000, A Consistent 2D/1D Approximation to the 3D Neutron Transport Equation, 08/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0319-000, Synthesis of CRUD and its Effects on Pool and Subcooled Flow Boiling, 09/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2019-000, CIPS PCMM, 09/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2027-000, Exnihilo Transport Methods Manual, 09/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2052-000, Synthesis of CRUD and its Effects on Pool and Subcooled Flow Boiling, 09/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2060-000, Document Progress on Developing Multi-Phase Capabilities in Hydra-TH, 09/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2077-000, ITM/DNS for High Volume Fraction Bubbly Flow Regimes, Machine Learning for Closure Support, 09/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2132-000, Mechanistic Modeling of Subcooled Boiling and DNB in PWR Fuel Assemblies with Spacers, 09/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2135-000, A Multi-Year Plan for Enhancing Turbulence Modeling in Hydra-TH Revised and Updated Version 2.0, 09/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2136-000, Gradient-Free Construction of Active Subspaces for Dimension Reduction in Complex Models, 09/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-4116-000, Document Progress on Developing Multi-Phase Capabilities in Hydra-TH, 09/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-4126-000, A Multi-Year Plan for Enhancing Turbulence Modeling in Hydra-TH, 09/30/2015
- CASL-U-2015-0320-001, CTF Void Drift Validation Study, 10/05/2015
- CASL-U-2015-1986-000, Modeling of Interfacial Forces for Bubbly Flows in Subcooled Boiling Conditions, 11/08/2015
- CASL-U-2015-1987-000, Multidimensional Modeling of Two-Phase Flow in PWRs with Mixing Vane Spacer Grids, 11/08/2015
- CASL-U-2015-1988-000, On the Modeling of Wall Heat Flux Partitioning in Subcooled Flow Boiling, 11/08/2015
- CASL-U-2015-2065-000, Regression Suite Improvements in MPACT, 12/08/2015
- CASL-U-2016-1053-000, Regression Suite Improvements in MPACT, 12/08/2015
- CASL-U-2015-1007-000, VERA and VERA-EDU 3.4 Release Notes, 12/09/2015
- CASL-U-2015-1013-000, Procedure to Generate the MPACT Multigroup Library, 12/17/2015
- CASL-U-2015-4131-000, Modeling Hydride Formation in Zirconium, 12/19/2015
- CASL-U-2016-1149-000, Analysis of Correlations and their Impact on Convergence Rates in Monte Carlo Eigenvalue Simulations, 01/20/2016
- CASL-U-2016-4146-000, Analysis of Correlations and their Impact on Convergence Rates in Monte Carlo Eigenvalue Simulations, 01/20/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1154-000, Limited-Collision Monte Carlo Method for Acceleration of Reactor Core Calculations, 01/26/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1031-000, Cross Section Workshop Summary, 01/27/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1030-000, Development and Testing of CTF to Support Modeling of BWR Operating Conditions, 01/29/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1035-000, Determine Operating Reactor to Use for the 2016 PCI Level 1 Milestone, 01/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1035-000, Determine Operating Reactor to Use for the 2016 PCI Level 1 Milestone , 01/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1045-000, MPACT Modeling of DIMPLE Benchmark Problems, 02/02/2016
- CASL-U-2015-0281-001, MPACT Library Verification by Comparison of Pincell Calculations to Monte Carlo Results, 02/10/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1015-000, Investigation of Thermal Expansion Effects in MPACT, 02/28/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1051-000, Investigation of Thermal Expansion Effects in MPACT, 02/28/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2031-000, Theoretical Assessment of Bonaccordite Formation in Pressurized Water Reactors, 03/04/2016
- CASL-U-2015-1010-001, Standalone BISON Fuel Performance Results for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycles 1-3, 03/07/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1010-001, Standalone BISON Fuel Performance Results for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycles 1-3, 03/07/2016
- CASL-U-2016-4111-000, Interfacing VPSC with Finite Element Codes: Demonstration of Irradiation Growth Simulation in a Cladding Tube, 03/15/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1054-003, Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification Using VERA-CS for a Core Wide LWR Problem with Depletion, 03/16/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1054-000, Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification Using VERA-CS for a Core Wide LWR Problem with Depletion, 03/29/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1052-000, MPACT Library Verification by Comparison of Assembly Calculations to Monte Carlo Results, 03/31/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1058-000, VERAViewUser’s Guide, 03/31/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1059-000, Integrating BISON into VERA-CS and Fuel Temperature Calculations, 03/31/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1060-000, BISON Verification and Validation Plan for LWR Fuel: Status and Plans, 03/31/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2048-000, Enhanced Global To Local Model Transfer, 03/31/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2145-000, CTF Validation and Verification, 03/31/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1192-000, Shift Validation Plan for CASL, 04/01/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1080-000, Validation of CTF Droplet Entrainment and Annular/Mist Closure Models using Riso Steam/Water Experiments, 04/29/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1151-000, Higher-order Moments of the Entropy Function and the Center of Mass of the Neutron Population, 05/24/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1999-000, Examination of Higher-Order Moments of the Entropy Function and the Center Of Mass of the Neutron Population, 05/24/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1104-000, Reactivity Insertion Accident (RIA) Capability Status in the BISON Fuel Performance Code, 05/28/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1106-000, Performance Improvements for Coarse Mesh Finite Difference Acceleration, 05/31/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1099-000, Standalone BISON Through VERA: User’s Manual, 06/03/2016
- CASL-U-2016-4113-000, 2D and 3D Nuclear Fuel Simulations with Frictional Contact, 06/15/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1144-000, Assessing Pellet-Clad Interaction with VERA: WBN1, Cycles 6-7, 06/29/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1115-000, MPACT Performance Improvements in VERA-CS, 06/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1116-000, CASL Verification and Validation Plan, 06/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1120-000, Thermal Expansion XML Preprocessor for VERA-CS, 06/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1150-000, Acceleration and Stabilization Methods for Monte CarloReactor Corek-Eigenvalue Problems, 07/05/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1155-000, Hydrodynamic Closure Evaluation in Multiphase Flowusing STAR-CCM+, 07/05/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2042-000, Modeling PCMI and Interactions Across Interfaces Modeled using the Extended Finite Element Method, 07/29/2016
- CASL-U-2016-4065-000, Modeling PCMI and Interactions Across Interfaces Modeled using the Extended Finite Element Method, 07/29/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1103-000, Post-CASL Strategy, 07/31/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2107-000, Capturing Irradiation-Accelerated Corrosion of Zirconium Alloys with a Charge-Based Diffusion/Drift Phase Field Model, 08/01/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2043-000, An Information Theoretic Approach to us High-fidelity Codes to Calibrate Low-fidelity Codes, 08/05/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2102-000, Effect if Oxidized Precipitates on Zirconium Alloy Degradation Predicted from First Principles, 08/09/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2039-000, Gradient Free Active Subspace Construction Using Morris Screening Elementary Effects, 08/10/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2143-000, The Effect of Coupled Wear and Creep During Grid-to-Rod Fretting, 08/16/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1983-000, Evaluation of Missing Pellet Surface Geometry on Cladding Stress Distribution and Magnitude, 08/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-4044-000, High Fidelity BWR Fuel Simulations, 08/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-4083-000, Evaluation of Relocation Effects Modeled using Discrete Fracture Models, 08/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1161-000, VERA-CS Evaluation of PWR MSLB DNB Limiting Case with Respect to Coolant Flow, 08/31/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1171-000, Summary of VERA Core Simulator Performance Improvements, 08/31/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1182-000, CFD-Informed Spacer Grid Models in CTF: Heat Transfer Enhancement and Form Pressure Losses, 08/31/2016
- CASL-U-2016-4058-000, Boiling Closure Model Validation/Development Effort with TAMU Experimental Data, 08/31/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1186-000, Shift Verification and Validation, 09/07/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1190-000, Use and Assessment of BISON within VERA-CS in Support of PCI Challenge Problem, 09/15/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1177-000, Generation of the V4.2m1 AMPX and MPACT 51 and 252-Group Libraries with ENDF/B-VII.0 and VII.1, 09/16/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1188-000, Transient Capability in MPACTwith Internal Heat Conduction Feedback for Analysis of PWR Reactivity Insertion Accidents (RIA), 09/16/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1195-000, Qualification of CFD-based PWR CILC Capabilities for the Identification of High-risk Fuel Rods , 09/25/2016
- CASL-U-2016-4117-000, Evaluation of DNB Predictive Capability in Multiphase Boiling Model of STAR-CCM+, 09/26/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1197-000, Demonstration of DNB analysis methods using CFD, 09/27/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1164-000, Verification of the MPACT Resonance Data Generation Procedure, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1198-000, STAR-CCM+ Verification and Validation Plan, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1199-000, MPACT Verification and Validation Manual (rev 1), 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1200-000, Assessment of the Analysis Capability for Core-wide PWR Pellet-Clad Interaction (PCI) Screening, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1232-000, Improvements to the 3D MOC Solver in MPACT, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2049-000, A Physics-based Crystallographic Modeling Framework for Describing the Thermal Creep Behavior of Zircaloy-4, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2071-000, boilEulerFOAM Multi-phase CFD Solver, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2074-000, Data Driven DNB Advancements, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2078-000, ITM/DNS for High Void Fraction Flows and Development of Advanced Analysis and Machine Learning Algorithms, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2087-000, Experiments to Provide Validation of Zr Oxidation: Damage Rate Dependence of Oxide Evolution and Behavior of Hydrogen under Simultaneous Irradiation and Corrosion, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2109-000, Orthogonal-Mesh, 3-D Sn with Embedded 2-D Method of Characteristics for Whole-Core, Pin-Resolved Reactor Analysis, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2120-000, Limited-collision Monte Carlo Method for Acceleration of Reactor Core Calculations, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2122-000, Assessment of Pellet-Clad Interaction Indicators in Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycles 1-3 Using VERA, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2131-000, ROMUSE 2.0 User Manual, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-4080-000, Report on Thermodynamics Calculations in Support of CRUD CILC Effort, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-4085-000, Multi-nucleation Subcooled Flow Boiling Experiments and Isothermal Two-Phase Flow Experimental Benchmarks, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-4100-000, Zr-O-H model development and initial calibration: Chemical Reaction Kinetic Model of LWR Zirconium Clad Oxidation, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-4109-000, IR-Thermography-based Investigation of Critical Heat Flux in Subcooled Flow Boiling of Water at Atmospheric Pressure, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-4112-000, Modeling Hydride Formation in Zirconium, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-4120-000, Demonstrating the Feasibility of Uncertainty Propagation by Means of the Pole Representation, 09/30/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1233-000, User Guidelines and Best Practices for CASL VUQ Analysis Using Dakota, 10/03/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1237-000, Support for CILC L1 Milestone Using STAR-CCM+, 10/07/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1978-000, Wall Area of Influence and Growing Wall Heat Transfer due to Sliding Bubbles in Subcooled Boiling Flow, 10/09/2016
- CASL-U-2016-2064-000, Benchmarking Shift on the Mira Blue Gene/Q Supercomputer, 10/26/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1241-000, 3-D BWR Modeling Capability in MPACT, 10/31/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1989-000, Michigan Interface for Multi-state In-memory Coupling with STAR-CCM+ for Nuclear Applications Manual v0.1, 10/31/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1257-000, Demonstration of Load Follow Simulation with VERA-CS and Standalone BISON, 12/16/2016
- CASL-U-2016-1052-001, MPACT Library Verification by Comparison of AssemblyCalculations to Monte Carlo Results, 01/05/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1260-000, 1.5D BISON Simulation Capability, 01/11/2017
- CASL-U-2016-1258-000, Restart File Improvements for MPACT, 01/16/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1316-000, MOOSE Implementation of MAMBA , 01/17/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1276-000, VERA 3.6 Release, 02/14/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2046-000, A Smoothing Direct Search Method for Monte Carlo-based Constrained Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization, 02/15/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1990-000, Simulation of the BEAVRS Benchmark using VERA, 02/18/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1280-000, Development of the V4.2m5 and V5.0m0 Multigroup Cross Section Libraries for MPACT for PWR and BWR, 02/28/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1287-000, VERA-CS Verification & Validation Plan, 02/28/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1317-000, Continuous Improvement of Closures for PWR and BWR Simulations, 03/16/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4129-000, Verification of Bubble Tracking Method and DNS Examinations of Single-and Two-phase Turbulent Channel Flows, 03/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1295-000, VERA-CS User Support Activities, 03/31/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1305-000, Review of Bison Usage in VERA, 03/31/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1306-000, Watts Bar Unit 2 Startup Results with VERA, 03/31/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1315-000, Modeling 3D PCMI using the Extended Finite Element Method with higher order elements, 03/31/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2133-000, Continuous Improvement of Closures for PWR and BWR Simulations, 03/31/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4066-000, Modeling 3D PCMI using the Extended Finite Element Method with Higher Order Elements, 03/31/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1303-000, Initial Implementation of Transient VERA-CS, 04/03/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1307-000, Non-Source VERA Release, 04/03/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1308-000, Development and Implementation of CFD-Informed Models for the Advanced Subchannel Code CTF, 04/04/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1308-000, Development and Implementation of CFD-Informed Models for the Advanced Subchannel Code CTF, 04/04/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1310-000, Initial Verification and Validation Assessment for VERA , 04/15/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1274-000, 2-D/3-D Reactor Analysis using Orthogonal-Mesh SN with Embedded 2-D Method of Characteristics, 04/16/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1328-000, AP1000 Benchmarking of VERA Neutronics Toolset, 04/16/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2110-000, Analysis of the Startup of Watts Bar Nuclear Unit 2 Using VERA, 04/16/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2125-000, Progress in Characterizing 2D/1D Accuracy in MPACT, 04/16/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4062-000, A Multilevel in Space and Energy Solver for Multigroup Diffusion Eigenvalue Problems, 04/16/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4147-000, AP1000® Benchmarking of VERA Neutronics Toolset, 04/16/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1324-000, Proposal of Methodology and Approach for the Coupling of CTF and TRACE within the Framework of VERA-CS, 04/21/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4148-000, VERA Core Physics Benchmark Progression Problem Results for VERA 3.6, 04/27/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1311-000, Excore Radiation Transport Modeling with VERA, 04/28/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1322-000, Implementation of aGrid Heat Transfer and Turbulent Kinetic Energy Hi2LoRemapping Capability into CTF in Support of the CIPS Challenge Problem, 04/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1332-000, Status of STAR-CCM+ Coupling for Multi-physics Applications, 04/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1998-000, Update on Simulation Of Gap Opening Between Cladding Tube And Spacer Grid, 04/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1326-000, Software Quality Assurance and Verification for the MPACT Library Generation Process, 05/01/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1327-000, Investigation of the Method of Characteristics on the Intel Many Integrated Core Architecture, 05/01/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1354-000, Mongoose Methods and Theory, 05/15/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1984-000, Bayesian Model Calibration on Active Subspaces, 05/24/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1358-000, Development of an MPACT Mesh Convergence Verification Tool, 05/31/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4104-000, An Initial Corrosion Source Term Model of Metal Oxide Release, 05/31/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1357-000, Demonstration of Coupled Tiamat Single Assembly Calculations, 06/16/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1380-000, Initial 1.5D BISON Simulation Verification and Validation, 06/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2017-000, A Linear Regression Framework for the Verification of Bayesian Model Calibration Algorithms, 06/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2111-000, MOOSE Framework Speed and Memory Optimizations, 06/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4050-000, 3D Cluster Dynamics Model for Hydride Precipitation Kinetics in Zirconium Cladding with Complex Temperature Distribution, 06/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1391-000, Baseline MOOSE-Bison Support, 07/12/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1390-000, Reference Computational Meshing Strategy for Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Departure from Nucleate Boiling, 07/14/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1388-000, MPACT Validation with Critical Experiments, 07/17/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2004-000, Time-Resolved Measurement of Liquid-Vapor Thermal Interactions Throughout the Full Life-cycle of Sliding Bubbles at Subcooled Flow Boiling Conditions, 07/27/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1389-000, BISON FY17 Accident Capability Development, 07/31/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1399-000, Energy Deposition Analysis of VERA Progression Problems Using MCNP6, 07/31/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1403-000, Development of a RIA Experimental Benchmark for BISON, 08/15/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1406-000, Development of a Comprehensive Crud-Induced Power Shift (CIPS) Capability with VERA, 08/15/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2002-000, Uncertainty Quantification for Monte Carlo methods, 08/15/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1408-000, Demonstration of Coupled Tiamat Quarter Core Calculations on Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 1, 08/18/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1377-000, Neutron Capture Energies for Flux Normalization and Approximate Model for Gamma-Smeared Power, 08/28/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1414-000, CTF-R Manual, 08/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1995-000, BWR Full Fuel Assembly Testing and Validation, 08/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2134-000, Subplane Collision Probabilities Method Applied to Control Rod Cusping in 2D/1D, 08/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1476-000, GTRF Cladding Wear Modeling and Experimental Validation, 08/31/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4059-000, Development of a Mechanistic Model for Predicting Sliding Vapor Bubble Growth, 08/31/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2034-000, The Fractalline Properties of Experimentally Simulated PWR Fuel Crud, 09/04/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1421-000, STAR-CCM+ (CFD) Calculations and Validation, 09/05/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1418-000, Development and Assessment of CTFFuel, 09/09/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1425-000, Independently Review and Assess CASL CRUD Capabilities, 09/15/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4055-000, Implementation of the C4 model in BISON, 09/15/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1429-000, Summary report describing CASL accomplishments in support of the GTRF Challenge Problem, 09/20/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2001-000, Monte Carlo Methods Development, 09/20/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4091-000, An Initialization Algorithm for Gradient-Free Active Subspace Construction, 09/20/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1401-000, Evaluation of GEN-1A Boiling Models for DNB Prediction on Westinghouse PWR Test Grids, 09/21/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4118-000, Evaluation of M-CFD Based DNB Predictive Capability for 5×5 NMVG and MVG Applications, 09/25/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2130-000, Robust Multi-Regression Solution Verification, 09/26/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1422-000, Development of a LOCA Experimental Benchmark for BISON, 09/29/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1423-000, MPACT Development Activities at University of Michigan, 09/29/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1424-000, Development of Transient MPACT-CTF Capability for RIA with DNB, 09/29/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1430-000, BISON Contact Algorithm Improvements in Support of Pellet Cladding Mechanical Interaction Modeling, 09/29/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1434-000, A Full-Height Axial P3Solver for the 2D/1D Method in MPACT, 09/29/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1436-000, Initial Palo Verde Benchmarking, 09/29/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1437-000, Application and Assessment of Fully-coupled Fuel Performance in VERA, 09/29/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1439-000, Callaway MPACT/CTF Models for CIPS Modeling of Cycles 1-7, 09/29/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1444-000, Develop and Improve VERA-CS for CE System 80+, 09/29/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1445-000, User Guidelines and Best Practices for CASL VUQ Analysis Using Dakota, 09/29/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1453-000, VERA-CS User Support Activities for PoR 15, 09/29/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1454-000, FY17 MPACT Development Activities, 09/29/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2085-000, Model form Uncertainty for MAMBA/Chemistry, 09/29/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2118-000, Adaptive Depletion Timestepping, 09/29/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1293-000, VERA Benchmarking of Catawba Unit 2 Cycles 18-21 and CIPS Analysis of Multiple Core Designs for Cycle 22 Compared to Industry Methods, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1432-000, CTF Transient DNB Validations Including RIAs, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1447-000, High-to-Low Activities Across VVI, AMA and PHI, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1448-000, Develop, Demonstrate, and Assess Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Based Capability for Prediction of Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB), 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2007-000, Experiments to Provide Validation of Zr Oxidation Damage Rate Dependence of Oxide Evolution and Behavior of Hydrogen under Simultaneous Irradiation and Corrosion, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2023-000, Development of a Data-driven Analysis Framework for Pool Boiling and Subcooled Flow Boiling Problems, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2032-000, Oxidation Model Application to LWR Conditions: Chemical Reaction Kinetic Model of LWR Zirconium Clad Oxidation, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2047-000, Kinetic Behavior of Spinels as it Relates to Steel Corrosion and as a Source of CRUD, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2088-000, Initial Demonstration of Coupled VERA-CS Transient Capability for RIA Events, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2090-000, MOOSE Implementation of MAMBA, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2092-000, Loss Of Coolant Accident (LOCA) Simulations ofZircaloy-4 Cladding using Crystallographic Models for Thermal Creep, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2099-000, Uncertainty Quantification of Multi-Phase Closures, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2100-000, Grid-Fluid-Rod Mechanics with Turbulent Excitation, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2105-000, Oxygen Self-diffusion Mechanisms in Monoclinic ZrO2 Revealed and Quantified by Density Functional Theory, Random Walk and Kinetic Monte Carlo Calculations, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2106-000, First-principles Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Hydride and Oxide Formation in Cladding, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2123-000, Development of Hydride Model for Corrosion of Zr Clad, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2138-000, Continuous Improvement of Closures for PWR and BWR Simulations, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4056-000, Development of Uncertainty-Guided Deep Learning with Application to Fluid Closures, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4072-000, A Framework to Support Assessment of Predictive Capability Maturity of Multiphysics Simulation Codes, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4105-000, BWR Modeling Assessment, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4130-000, High-fidelity Numerical Simulations of Bubbly Flows and New Analysis Techniques, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4136-000, Microstructural Modeling of Dynamic Intergranular and Transgranular Fracture Modes in Zircaloys, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4139-000, Development of Software and Tests Support the Integration of MOOSE/BISON/VERA for PHI Milestones Related to PCI, 09/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2112-000, Verification Study for ROMUSE 2.0, 10/07/2017
- CASL-U-2017-2113-000, Mutual Information Estimation for Simulation-Based High-to-Low Calibration, 10/15/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1465-000, Crud Challenge Problem Integration, 10/24/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1465-000, Crud Challenge Problem Integration, 10/27/2017
- CASL-U-2017-1466-000, Initial CILC Application with STAR-CCM+ and MAMBA-3D, 10/30/2017
- CASL-U-2017-4063-000, Cluster Dynamics Modeling of Hydride Precipitation in Fuel Clad Containing MPS Defect, 11/16/2017
- CASL-U-2018-1506-000, Improved Fracture Models for Relocation Modeling, 01/30/2018
- CASL-U-2018-1996-000, Mechanism-based Modeling of Solute Strengthening: Application to Thermal Creep in Zr Alloy, 03/31/2018
- CASL-U-2018-4043-000, First-principles investigation of diffusion and defect properties of Fe and Ni in Cr2O3, 03/31/2018
- CASL-U-2018-2121-000, VERA MPACT Depletion Validation for a Variety of PWR Fuel Types and Burnable Absorbers, 04/22/2018
- CASL-U-2018-4119-000, Application of Machine Learning in Thermo-fluid Closure Model Development, 08/30/2018
- CASL-U-2018-1671-000, VERA Benchmark Results with HELIOS Library, 09/14/2018
- CASL-U-2018-2104-000, Average Surface Mapping Model Calibration, 09/17/2018
- CASL-U-2018-2404-000, Support Activities for the Development and Validation of MAMBA, 09/25/2018
- CASL-U-2018-1674-000, SCALE MG Cross Section Processing for High Void BWR Using the AMPX 1,597-group Library, 09/28/2018
- CASL-U-2018-2082-000, Investigation of Subcooled Flow Boiling and CHF on Unoxidized and Oxidized Zircaloy-4 Heaters, 09/28/2018
- CASL-U-2018-2094-000, Summary of Improvements in Modeling for Fidelity and Performance in MAMBA During FY18, 09/30/2018
- CASL-U-2013-0060-007x, Challenge Problem Implementation Plan: Reactivity Initiated Accident, 11/20/2018
- CASL-U-2018-1735-000, CTF Readiness Check as Compared to Industry Code VIPRE-01, 01/31/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1828-000, VERA Deployment Plan at EPRI, 03/27/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1985-000, Gradient-Free Construction of Active Subspaces for Dimension Reduction in Complex Models with Applications to Neutronics, 03/31/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1842-000, VERA Commercial Deployment Plan at Westinghouse, 04/15/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1838-000, CRUD Source Term Assessment and Development for VERA, 04/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1847-000, ATF Benchmark Problems, 04/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1852-000, Axial Solution Verification for MPACT, CTF TH, CTFFuel, and VERA-CS, 04/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-2091-000, Doppler Broadening Resonance Correction for Free-gas Scattering in MCNP6.2, 05/23/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1853-000, Automation of Solution Verification for Bison – Milestone: C/SVER, 05/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-4106-000, CTF Code Verification and Solution Verification, 05/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-4107-000, MPACT Code Verification and Solution Verification, 05/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-4108-000, Recommendations for Code Verification and Solution Verification for CASL Codes, 05/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1856-000, LOCA Challenge Problem Final Report, 05/31/2019
- CASL-U-2019-2018-000, Modeling the Ex-core Detector Response into a Production Option in MPACT, 05/31/2019
- CASL-U-2019-2127-000, VERAView Remote Visualization, 05/31/2019
- CASL-U-2019-4145-000, MAMBA Code and Solution Verification Status Report, 05/31/2019
- CASL-U-2019-4090-000, Internally Heated Testloop for PWRs (IHTFP, or CRUD Loop) Tests and Work for FY2019 Summary, 06/25/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1863-000, Generating Synthetic Crud Scrapes in VERA and PyMamba, 06/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1864-000, Updated Verification and Validation Assessment for VERA, 06/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1865-000, Bison Robustness and Performance Improvements, 06/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-4031-000, A Physics-Informed Machine Learning-Aided Framework for Predicting Departure from Nucleate Boiling in Rod Bundles, 06/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1862-000, Application of Advanced DNB Methods at Westinghouse, 07/15/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1870-000, ATF Material Model Development and Validation for Priority Fuel Concepts, 07/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-2083-000, Engineered Surface Boiling Tests at High Pressure in PETheR to Support the Characterization of Pressure Effects, 08/11/2019
- CASL-U-2019-2036-000, Assessment on DNB Performance for High Pressure Subcooled Boiling with Modified CASL Boiling Model, 08/15/2019
- CASL-U-2019-4064-000, Prediction of Departure from Nucleate Boiling in Subchannel Applications: from Mechanistic Modeling to Hybrid Framework, 08/23/2019
- CASL-U-2019-2084-000, Investigation of Subcooled Flow Boiling CHF on Oxidized and Cr-Coated Zircaloy-4 Surfaces, 08/29/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1892-000, ATF Material Model Development and Validation for Priority Cladding Concepts, 08/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1895-000, Improvements to Bison Validation Base for LWR Fuel, 08/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1896-000, Mesoscale Material Model Development for priority fuel concepts (Doped UO2 and U3Si2), 08/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-4125-000, Direct Numerical Simulation Support to BWR Closure Model Development, 08/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1899-000, Integration of the Single Phase Residual Formulation Solver (CTF-R) in CTF4.0, 09/26/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1900-000, VeraShift I/O Optimization for Ex-core Calculations with VERA, 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1901-000, VeraShift Usability Updates for Production Releases of VERA for Excore Calculations, 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1907-000, MPACT Pre-Screening Capability, 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1950-000, MPACT Verification and Validation Manual (rev 5), 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1980-000, BISON Analysis of Accident Tolerant Fuel Clad Concepts During Normal Operation and LOCA Conditions, 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-2011-000, Thermo-mechanical Microstructural Modeling of Failure Modes of Chromium Coated Zirconium Alloys, 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-2038-000, Validation of Pin Span Superposition to Reconstruct Gridded Bundle Flows, 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-2051-000, Finalize CASL Closure Models with Wall Model Improvements including Nucleation Site Density and Bubble Departure Diameter, 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-2072-000, Monte Carlo Methods Development, 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-2073-000, Neutronics UQ, 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-2114-000, Application of Machine Learning Methods for Uncertainty Quantification in Thermo-fluid Simulations, 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-2117-000, A Pathway Towards Generalizing the Development of Reduced Order Models for Steel Alloys, 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-2139-000, A Robust Mechanistic Approach to Prediction of Departure from Nucleate Boiling, 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-2140-000, Assessing Pellet-Clad Interaction with VERA: WBN1, Cycles 6-7, 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-2141-000, Pellet Cladding Mechanical Interaction Modeling Using the Extended Finite Element Method, 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-4074-000, Modeling Fission Gas Release from Doped Oxide Nuclear Fuel, 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-4143-000, Development of an Integrated Kinetic Model for Quantitative Predictions of Corrosion Rates Under Irradiation in Zr-alloy Clad, 09/30/2019
- CASL-U-2019-4053-000, Predictive Modeling of O and H Incorporation and Transport in Zirconium Oxide, 10/15/2019
- CASL-U-2019-1929-000, Development of a Staged CILC Assessment Tool with Local Refinement in Key Regions, 11/22/2019
- CASL-U-2019-4075-000, Modeling the Plasticity and Thermal Creep of Doped Oxide Nuclear Fuel, 11/26/2019
- CASL-U-2020-1938-000, FY20 Improvements to CTF Code Verification and Unit Testing, 02/15/2020
- CASL-U-2019-1902-001, Plant Data Based Cross- Sections Bayesian Calibration Watts Bar Unit 1 Cycle 1, 03/28/2020
- CASL-U-2020-1939-000, FY20 Verification of BISON Using Analytic and Manufactured Solutions, 03/31/2020
- CASL-U-2020-1946-000, Separate Effects Validation for Subcooled Boiling in CTF, 03/31/2020
- CASL-U-2020-2128-000, MAMBA Code and Solution Verification: References to Scripts and Code Changes, 04/20/2020
CASL Symposium Papers Reference List
Papers from the CASL Symposium, held in conjunction with the American Nuclear Society (ANS) Winter Meeting November 16-19, 2020, are available for ANS members through their website.
- Matthew A. Jessee (ORNL), Andrew M. Ward (Univ. of Michigan), Andrew T. Godfrey (ORNL), Applications of VERA for Improvement in NRC Methods, November 2020.
- B. Mervin, E. Mader, R. Daum (Electric Power Research Institute), The Future of VERA at EPRI and Potential Impacts on the Commercial Fleet, November 2020.
- Vefa Kucukboyaci (Westinghouse Electric), Fausto Franceschini (Westinghouse Mangiarotti), Zach McDaniel, Zeses Karoutas, Yixing Sung, Robert Brewster (Westinghouse Electric), VERA Applications and Commercial Deployment at Westinghouse, November 2020.
- Baocheng Zhang (Westinghouse Electric), Aaron M. Graham (ORNL), Fausto Franceschini (Westinghouse Mangiarotti), Andrew Godfrey (ORNL), Use of VERA to Improve Baffle/Reflector Data Generation for the Westinghouse Core Design Code System, November 2020.
- Vefa N. Kucukboyaci (Westinghouse Electric), Evaluation of VERA Transient Capability for Analyzing PWR Control Rod Ejection Accident, November 2020.
- Emre Tatli, Yixing Sung (Westinghouse Electric), Robert Salko (ORNL), CTF Improvements through the CFD-Informed Sub-Channel Hi2Lo Process, November 2020.
- Yixing Sung, Vefa Kucukboyaci, Yiban Xu (Westinghouse Electric), Robert K. Salko (ORNL), CASL VERA Applications to Departure from Nucleate Boiling Challenge Problem, November 2020.
- Travis Lange (INL), Azat Galimov (NuScale Power), Jim Eller (ORNL), Kenny Epperson (Epperson Engineering), Andrew Godfrey (ORNL), Larry Linik (NuScale Power), Neutronics and CRUD Analyses of the NuScale Small Modular Reactor, November 2020.
- Travis Lange (INL), Catawba 2 CRUD Risk Assessment, November 2020.
- Brian N. Aviles, Daniel J. Kelly III (Naval Nuclear Laboratory)Andrew T. Godfrey (ORNL), Naval Nuclear Laboratory / CASL Collaborations, November 2020.
- Gary Mangham (Westinghouse Electric), Andrew Godfrey, James Eller (ORNL), VERA Benchmarking of PWR Startup and Steady State Operation, November 2020.
- Franceschini (Westinghouse Mangiarotti), D. Salazar (Westinghouse Electric), A. Godfrey (ORNL), Results of VERA Application to the AP1000® PWR Startup, November 2020.
- Godfrey (ORNL), F. Franceschini (Westinghouse Mangiarotti), Watts Bar Nuclear Unit 2 Startup Experience, November 2020.
- Herschel Smith (Framatome/BHI Energy), Greg Hobson (Framatome), Davis-Besse Dosimetry Benchmark using VERA and SHIFT, November 2020.
- Mervin, T. Massey, G. Stevens, M. Burke (Electric Power Research Institute), E. Davidson (ORNL), D. Jones (TransWare Enterprises), Evaluation of VERA Ex-Core Fluence Analysis Capabilities for Industry Applications, November 2020.
- Davidson, A. Godfrey (ORNL), G. Wolfram (TVA), C. Gentry, T. Pandya, K. Royston (ORNL), Benchmarking of Source Range Detector Responses during Watts Bar Unit 1 Refueling, November 2020.
- Davidson, A. Godfrey, T. Pandya, K. Royston (ORNL), H. Smith (Transware Enterprises), Validation of VERA Ex-core Detector Response Calculations for Shearon Harris, November 2020.
- Joseph Y.R. Rashid, Wenfeng Liu (Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.), Core Wide PCI Screening Analysis, November 2020.
- Hasan, M.A. Zikry (NCSU), The Thermo-Mechanical Fracture of Chromium Film-Zirconium Substrates, November 2020.
- Qianran Yu, Michael Reyes, Nachiket Shah, Jaime Marian (UCLA), Kinetic model of incipient hydride formation in Zr clad under dynamic oxide growth conditions, November 2020.
- Wei Lu, M.D. Thouless (Univ. of Michigan), Creep Wear and Gap Modeling for GTRF, November 2020.
- Benjamin W. Spencer, Richard L. Williamson (INL), D. Shane Stafford (Southwestern Scientific), Stephen R. Novascone, Jason D. Hales, Giovanni Pastore (INL), 3D Modeling of Missing Pellet Surface Defects with BISON, November 2020.
- Jason Hales (INL), BISON Methods and Contact Algorithms, November 2020.
- David Andersson, Michael Cooper (LANL), Benjamin Beeler (NCSU), Xiang-Yang Liu, Christopher Matthews (LANL), Larry Aagesen (INL), Christopher R. Stanek (LANL), Lower length scale methods exemplified for U3Si2 fission gas behavior, November 2020.
- Daniel Schwen, Alexander D. Lindsay, Benjamin W. Spencer, Stephanie A. Pitts, Dylan J. McDowell (INL), Bison Robustness and Performance Improvements, November 2020.
- Wen Jiang, Benjamin W. Spencer (INL), Ceramic Nuclear Fuel Fracture Modeling for Relocation with the Extended Finite Element Method, November 2020.
- R. L. Williamson (INL), G. Pastore (Univ. of Tennessee at Knoxville), R.J. Gardner (Kairos Power), K. A. Gamble, S.R. Novascone, J.D. Hales (INL), BISON Capability Validation and Demonstration for LOCA Analysis, November 2020.
- C. P. Folsom (INL), W. Liu (Structural Integrity Associates), G. Pastore (INL), J. Rashid (Structural Integrity Associates), R. L. Williamson (INL), BISON Capability Validation, and Demonstration for Reactivity-Initiated Accidents, November 2020.
- Pastore (INL, Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville), C.P. Folsom, R.L. Williamson (INL), T. Barani, D. Pizzocri, L. Luzzi (Politecnico di Milano), Modeling Transient Fission Gas Behavior with BISON, November 2020.
- R. T. Sweet (Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville), B. D. Wirth (Univ. of Tennessee- Knoxville, ORNL), BISON analysis of Accident Tolerant Fuel clad concepts during normal operation and LOCA conditions, November 2020.
- Larry K. Aagesen (INL), David Andersson (LANL), Benjamin W. Beeler (NCSU), Michael W. D. Cooper (LANL), Kyle A. Gamble (INL), Yinbin Miao (ANL), Giovanni Pastore (INL), Michael R. Tonks (Univ. of Florida), Parameterization of BISON model for fission gas release in U3Si2 nuclear fuel using phase-field simulations, November 2020.
- W.D. Cooper, C. Matthews, C. R. Stanek, D. A. Andersson (LANL), Atomistic simulations for doped UO2, November 2020.
- Kyle A. Gamble (INL), Giovanni Pastore (Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville), Michael W. D. Cooper, Anders Andersson (LANL), BISON Capability and Validation for U3Si2, Cr2O3-doped UO2, FeCrAl, and Cr-coated Zircaloy ATF Concepts, November 2020.
- Wei Wen, Laurent Capolungo, Carlos N. Tomé (LANL), Mechanism-based modeling of deformation for post-irradiated FeCrAl steel, November 2020.
- Dongyeol Yeo, Aaron Huxford, Annalisa Manera (Univ. of Michigan), A Meso-scale Two-phase Mixture Model for the Prediction of Boiling and Dryout in CRUD, November 2020.
- Jason T. Rizk, Brian D. Wirth (Univ. of Tennessee- Knoxville), CRUD Thermodynamics and Composition, November 2020.
- Z. Rák (NCSU), C.J. O’Brien (SNL), D. W. Brenner (NCSU), CRUD and corrosion modeling at the atomic scale, November 2020.
- Michael P. Short, Miaomiao Jin, Ittinop Dumnernchanvanit, Max Carlson, Sean Robertson, Gilberto Mota, Alex Delmore, Akshay Dave, Bren Philips, Sidney Yip (MIT), Ben Collins, Andrew Nelson (ORNL), Dennis Hussey, Dan Wells, Jeff Deshon (Electric Power Research Institute), Naiqiang Zhang (North China Electric Power Univ.), Brian Kendrick, Chris Stanek, David Andersson, Kenneth McClellan (LANL), Brian Wirth (Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville), Derek Gaston, Cody Permann, Richard Martineau (INL), Simulating and Stopping Crud — Insights Learned from and Inspired by the CASL Program, November 2020.
- Scott Palmtag (NCSU), Lori Moore, Dave Kropaczek (ORNL), Development of the VERA Quality Assurance Program, November 2020.
- Roscoe A. Bartlett (Sandia National Labs), Componentized hieratical build and test infrastructure and processes for CASL VERA, November 2020.
- Benjamin Collins (ORNL), Scott Palmtag (NCSU), Andrew Godfrey (ORNL), Thomas Downar (Univ. of Michigan), Kevin Clarno (Univ. of Texas, Austin), Capabilities of VERA Version 4.1, November 2020.
- Shane Stimpson, Kevin Clarno (ORNL), Roger Pawlowski (SNL), Russel Gardner (INL), Jeffrey Powers, Benjamin Collins (ORNL), Alex Toth (SNL), Stephen Novascone, Stephanie Pitts, Jason Hales, Giovanni Pastore (INL), Coupled Fuel Performance Calculations in VERA Through Tiamat, November 2020.
- Robert Salko (ORNL), Travis Lange (INL), Emre Tatli (Westinghouse Electric), Benjamin Collins, David Pointer, William Gurecky, Stuart Slattery (ORNL), Annalisa Manera (Univ. of Michigan), Development of a Crud Induced Localized Corrosion Analysis Capability in VERA, November 2020.
- Benjamin Collins, William Gurecky, Robert Salko (ORNL), David Andersson (LANL), Crud-Induced Power Shift Simulations using VERA, November 2020.
- Brendan Kochunas (Univ. of Michigan), Aaron Wysocki (ORNL), Motivation and Computational Challenges for Reactivity Insertion Accidents with VERA-CS, November 2020.
- Downar, B. Kochunas, Q. Shen (Univ. of Michigan), Yunlin Xu (Purdue Univ.), Validation of VERA-CS with SPERT, November 2020.
- Aaron Wysocki, Jianwei Hu, Robert Salko (ORNL), Brendan Kochunas (Univ. of Michigan), Improvement of CTF for RIA Analysis, November 2020.
- Yunlin Xu (Purdue Univ.), Qicang Shen, Brendan Kochunas (Univ. of Michigan), Multi-level Predictor-Corrector Method for 3D Whole Core Transport Transient Analysis, November 2020.
- Kang Seog Kim, Dorothea Wiarda (ORNL), Multigroup Cross Section Library and Processing for the CASL VERA Neutronic Simulators, November 2020.
- Luke R. Cornejo, Benjamin S. Collins, Shane G. Stimpson (ORNL), Multilevel CMFD Method Development in MPACT, November 2020.
- Benjamin Collins, Shane Stimpson, Aaron Graham (ORNL), The 2D/1D Method: Past, Present, and Future, November 2020.
- Yuxuan Liu (Univ. of Michigan), Robert Salko, Kang-Seog Kim (ORNL), Xinyan Wang, Matthew Kabelitz, Sooyoung Choi, Brendan Kochunas (Univ. of Michigan), Benjamin Collins (ORNL), William Martin (Univ. of Michigan), An Improved Energy Deposition Model in MPACT with Simplified Gamma Smearing and Time-dependent Delayed Energy, November 2020.
- Xinyan Wang, Yuxuan Liu, William Martin (Univ. of Michigan), The Gamma Deposition Matrix Method for Gamma Heating Calculations, November 2020.
- Shane Stimpson, Benjamin Collins (ORNL), Yuxuan Liu (Univ. of Michigan), Kevin Clarno (Univ. of Texas, Austin), Brendan Kochunas (Univ. of Michigan), Subgroup and MOC Performance Improvements in MPACT, November 2020.
- Brendan Kochunas (Univ. of Michigan), Stability Robustness, and Performance of CMFD in Whole Core Calculations, November 2020.
- Tara M. Pandya, Katherine E. Royston, Thomas M. Evans (ORNL), Utilizing Shift in VERA for Ex-Core Calculations, November 2020.
- Abdulla Alhajri, Pablo Ducru (MIT), Vlad Sobes (Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville), Benoit Forget (MIT), The Windowed Multipole Formalism and Applications to Uncertainty Quantification, November 2020.
- Shane Stimpson (ORNL), Fausto Franceschini (Westinghouse Electric), Benjamin Collins, Andrew Godfrey, Kang Seog Kim, Aaron Graham (ORNL), Thomas Downar (Univ. of Michigan), MPACT Diffusion Coefficient Improvement Through Westinghouse Collaboration, November 2020.
- Aaron Graham, Shane Stimpson, Benjamin Collins (ORNL), Thomas Downar (Univ. of Michigan), Subgrid Methods to Address Axial Heterogeneities in MPACT, November 2020.
- Jipu Wang, William Martin, Thomas Downar, Brendan Kochunas (Univ. of Michigan), Benjamin Collins (ORNL), Martin Pilch (MPilchConsulting), Verification Framework in MPACT, November 2020.
- Downar, B. Kochunas, Y. Liu (Univ. of Michigan), B. Collins, S. Stimpson (ORNL), Validation of MPACT, November 2020.
- Su-Jong Yoon (INL), Emilio Baglietto, Jinyong Feng (MIT), Multi-phase Flow Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling and Simulation for Boiling Water Reactor Applications, November 2020.
- Jinyong Feng, Zachary Skirpan, Emilio Baglietto (MIT), Assessment of industrial applicability of DNB predictions in CFD with improved CASL FY19 closures, November 2020.
- Robert A. Brewster (Westinghouse Electric), Emilio Baglietto (MIT), W. David Pointer (ORNL), Industry Application of CASL DNB Prediction Methods, November 2020.
- Robert A. Brewster, Emre Tatli, Yiban Xu (Westinghouse Electric), Emilio Baglietto (MIT), Virtual Pressurized Water Reactor CFD Modeling at Westinghouse, November 2020.
- Junsoo Yoo (INL), Carlos E. Estrada-Perez, Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M), Achievements and Ongoing Challenges for advanced CFD Boiling Closure Model Development using Physical Insights from Validation-Oriented High-Fidelity Boiling Experiment, November 2020.
- Emilio Baglietto, Rosemary Sugrue, Nazar Lubchenko, Ben Magolan, Brian Casel (MIT), CASL Advanced Hydrodynamic Closures for Multiphase CFD, November 2020.
- Ravikishore Kommajosyula, Etienne Demarly, Emilio Baglietto (MIT), A Physics-based Model for Subcooled Flow Boiling with Application to Light Water Reactor Design and Analysis, November 2020.
- Joseph J. Cambareri (NCSU), Jun Fang (ANL), Igor A. Bolotnov (NCSU), Supporting the Understanding of Two-Phase Flow in Reactor Geometries using DNS approach, November 2020.
- Gretar Tryggvason, Jiacai Lu (Johns Hopkins Univ.), Direct Numerical Simulations of Gas-Liquid Flows, November 2020.
- Yuqiao Fan, Igor A. Bolotnov (NCSU), Gravity Controller Capability for Single-Bubble Interface-Resolved Simulations, November 2020.
- Seung Jun Kim (LANL), Emilio Baglietto (MIT), Validation of Boiling Simulation Methodology for DNB Application at High Pressure Condition, November 2020.
- D. Pointer, M.-O. Delchini (ORNL), Solution Verification and Spatial Uncertainty Quantification for CFD Simulations of Nuclear Fuel Bundle Flows, November 2020.
- Matteo Bucci (MIT), Supporting New Understanding of Boiling Heat Transfer and The Boiling Crisis, November 2020.
- Joseph Seo, Saya Lee, Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M), Experiments on Annular Flow Boiling in a Heated Annular Channel, November 2020.
- W. Porter, L. N. Gilkey (SNL), Subcooled Boiling Models in CTF: Analysis and Separate Effects Validation, November 2020.
- W. Porter (SNL), A. Toptan (INL), R. Salko (ORNL), M. Pilch (MPilchConsulting), Verification: a physics-based procedure with applications to CTF and BISON, November 2020.
- Christopher Jones (Kansas State Univ.), Paridhi Athe, Nam Dinh (NCSU), Application of Predictive Capability Maturity Model for Assessment of VERA-CS for CASL Challenge Problems, November 2020.
- Martin Pilch (MPilchConsulting), Can We Expect Our Codes to Converge to the Correct Answer for Our Intended Applications?, November 2020.
- Agustin Abarca, Maria Avramova (NCSU), Development of a Single-Phase Residual Formulation Solver in CTF, November 2020.
- Xingang Zhao, Koroush Shirvan (MIT), Physics-informed machine learning-aided framework for CASL challenge problem solving—a demonstration and prospects, November 2020.
- Lindsay Noelle Gilkey (SNL), CASL Thermal Hydraulic Hi2Lo Applications, November 2020.
- Brian M. Adams, Russell W. Hooper (SNL), Dakota Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification Software: CASL Capabilities and Impact, November 2020.